kids coding

Why Your Child Should Learn Coding

Any doubts that existed over the power of technology or social media, in this case, were laid to rest following the protests that have taken place over the past few weeks. Gen Zs and millennials have called themselves faceless, fearless, and leaderless. Long considered to be a group of people lacking vision and often labelled lazy, these youths proved to the nation and the world at large that there is power in unity.

As our world increasingly relies on technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics, it’s crucial to equip ourselves with skills that navigate this evolving landscape. One of the most valuable skills to learn is coding.

Coding refers to giving instructions to a computer on how it performs tasks. Besides being a skill that will increase your child’s chances of landing job opportunities in tech, coding has many other benefits that will help in your child’s cognitive development.

Triggers their thinking ability

Coding entails a lot of logical thinking. Just like explaining a concept, structuring your message to convey a message, coding involves organizing instructions in a coherent sequence.

Builds problem-solving skills

Mistakes, challenges, and problems are all part of life. Coding is no different, there are times even expert coders make errors which they eventually troubleshoot to create functioning codes.


Develops resilience

One thing that coding does to an individual is make them more persistent in what they do. After clearing an error, one may think the code is complete, only to realize that there is more than one mistake that needs clearing. Meeting consecutive errors made as a beginner may be annoying, but with time, the individual builds resilience through consistent trial and error.

Hard Skills for Career Progress

Just as crucial as learning a foreign language, learning how to code paves way for various careers.As a game developer, software developer, or UI/UX designer, learning how to code expands the professional horizons that one may be interested in exploring.

Adds to the list of a child’s hobbies

According to Australian publisher McCrindle (2020), children between the ages of 8 to12 years(Generation Alpha) spend about 4 hours and 44 minutes in front of screens every day. Imagine if, instead of aimlessly scrolling through social media, your child spent the same amount of time coding. They could even create a game of their own!

Supports Creativity and the Ability to Concentrate

Think of a time when you needed to fix the zip of a bag, for example. It may have bugged your mind for a while, but you had to improvise something that could help you deal with the problem at the time. Through critical thinking and total concentration, you may have fixed the issue. That is the same case with coding. Thinking of instructions alone taps into an individual’s creativity, and along the way, as one works on the code, concentration becomes a necessity that eventually leads to the fruition of a working code.

Writing Skills and Storytelling

Just as it is when writing, having an order or a logical, step-by-step procedure for doing things is important. Coding builds these skills, as writing code demands that one writes instructions in a proper and consistent order so that the order runs.


In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, coding is more than just a skill—it’s a gateway to a future filled with opportunities. Encouraging your child to learn coding not only prepares them for career success but also enriches their cognitive and creative abilities. Embrace the power of technology and invest in their future today!
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